Friday, December 19, 2008

VIRUS : What is computer virus? Which is the best free antivirus available ?

What is computer virus?

I know you would say whats the need to know "What is virus ?" well i would say without knowing what the virus is how would you be inclined to download and update an antivirus.

A virus is program, which reproduces its own code by attacking other programs in such a way that the virus code is executed. note that this is done without permission or knowledge of the user. A virus can destroy software,modify programs,delete files etc. While doing all its malicious actions virus keeps on spreading itself.

This results in your loosing control over your own computer.
From this information it is clear that virus is like a parasite which affects our body( in this case computer) and then feeds on the host. the way biological virus destroys our cells and reproduces, computer virus destroys computer's files and data. Be cautious these file and data can be anything may be your photos or office spreadsheets.
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