Saturday, December 27, 2008


Now lets move on to another threat which not only harms your computer but has the potential to ruin your life. Confused!!!!!!!!!!

YES, I am talking about spywares. Spywares are malicious programs which instead of corrupting ( or infecting) your data, it steals it. REMEMBER this data can be anything ,not only your files but your passwords,credit card numbers or other banking details. And then after taking all your private data it sends it to unknown programmer, who can easily misuse the data. Now you get it what I meant by ruining your life thing.

Now lets get to know about Trojans. These malicious codes get there name from Legendary Trojan Horse which Greeks used in Troy. In similar fashion these programs come along unsuspecting files and destroy you and your computer in a same way as Greeks did to Troy (for further info of this legend go get the DVD of Troy movie, starring Brad Pitt). A trojan infection gives total remote access to your computer to third party.

I would say these are most dangerous programs as virus only deletes your data but these programs give away your data to third party. So take special care while dealing
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