Saturday, December 27, 2008


Now lets move on to another threat which not only harms your computer but has the potential to ruin your life. Confused!!!!!!!!!!

YES, I am talking about spywares. Spywares are malicious programs which instead of corrupting ( or infecting) your data, it steals it. REMEMBER this data can be anything ,not only your files but your passwords,credit card numbers or other banking details. And then after taking all your private data it sends it to unknown programmer, who can easily misuse the data. Now you get it what I meant by ruining your life thing.

Now lets get to know about Trojans. These malicious codes get there name from Legendary Trojan Horse which Greeks used in Troy. In similar fashion these programs come along unsuspecting files and destroy you and your computer in a same way as Greeks did to Troy (for further info of this legend go get the DVD of Troy movie, starring Brad Pitt). A trojan infection gives total remote access to your computer to third party.

I would say these are most dangerous programs as virus only deletes your data but these programs give away your data to third party. So take special care while dealing
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My computer is infected with virus. HELP ?

Well its good at least you know that your computer is infected this is half battle won. Now try out these :-

# Install a good antivirus.
I would recommend go for AVAST ANTI-VIRUS. Its free and offers boot-time scan facility.

# UPDATE your anti-virus.
If you already have an anti-virus go immediately. Every minute a new virus is added by ' You Know Who' so to fight the menace be ready,informed and UPDATED.

# Scan your PC again. DELETE or Quarantine infected files depending on your descretion.

# IF nothing helps I am sorry to tell you its time to take a back-up and go for FORMATTING to avert further damage.

Although I must admit last step is THE WORST thing to go for but you don't have a choice. GOD BLESS YOU AND MAY YOUR PERSONNAL SETTINGS ( which are deleted because of formatiing) REST IN PEACE .
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Monday, December 22, 2008

How to save your PC from threat of viruses ?

It is if you don't want to shell out anything from your pocket.
There millions of antivirus programs and from my personal experience only few of them are compatible to remove most dangerous of viruses.

* Never open email attachments that you are uncertain of.

* If you do not use Visual Basic scripting, you should turn this off.

* Take care while using external drives (eg pen drive), which has earlier been use in unprotected computer ( cyber cafe).

* Be wary of pirated softwares and CDs.

* Take special care while dealing with .exe files.

* Some viruses are triggered by certain event, that event may be certain time or when external drive is inserted. so be cautious.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

How do i know my computer is infected with virus

Generally when computer starts taking longer than usual to load some application you get a feeling that computer is infected by some unwanted code. But it is not at all necessary that these problems are due to virus as these may be some software or hardware problem so check them.

So now how to ascertain problem is due to virus. Few signs that may help are:-

* When you click on any of the local drives they show Open With window.
* You observe certain file changing its size in seconds from small to big and back.
* Unusual error messages.
* Operating system slows down.
* Disk space 'vanishes'.
* large number of unknown .exe files in principle drive (usually in C:).
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Friday, December 19, 2008

VIRUS : What is computer virus? Which is the best free antivirus available ?

What is computer virus?

I know you would say whats the need to know "What is virus ?" well i would say without knowing what the virus is how would you be inclined to download and update an antivirus.

A virus is program, which reproduces its own code by attacking other programs in such a way that the virus code is executed. note that this is done without permission or knowledge of the user. A virus can destroy software,modify programs,delete files etc. While doing all its malicious actions virus keeps on spreading itself.

This results in your loosing control over your own computer.
From this information it is clear that virus is like a parasite which affects our body( in this case computer) and then feeds on the host. the way biological virus destroys our cells and reproduces, computer virus destroys computer's files and data. Be cautious these file and data can be anything may be your photos or office spreadsheets.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

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