Thursday, June 9, 2011


Win32.Rootkit is a very malicious item that designed to allow remote access to your computer to largely occupy precious system resource, trace your Internet habits to record/steal your personal information.

How to tell if the computer is infected by malware such as Win32.Rootkit?
The symptoms of Win32.Rootkit vary wildly, ranging from slow PC performance to loss of important data. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, chances are you have Win32.Rootkit or another risky unwanted programs installed on your computer:

Sudden slow PC performance

Win32.Rootkit can use a lot of your system resources to track your computer activities or deliver pop-up ads that may greatly slow down the computer or even make it crash randomly. If you are recently getting a lot of system crashes, the computer is running much slower than usual or you cannot access your hard properly, then your computer must be infected and should be took care of.

E-mail problems

Win32.Rootkit can collect and send your email address book to an email spammer and send unexpected email messages from your computer without your knowledge. If you get a lot of bounced back emails or notice that thousands of emails were sent without your permission, then it is possible that your computer is infected.

Constant unwanted ads

Win32.Rootkit will interrupt you with annoying pop-up ads for adult or other objectionable web sites. If it is controlled by hackers, this can make your computer completely useless once you visit the website in which malicious programming or code is planted.

Unexpected desktop icons, Toolbars or homepages

Win32.Rootkit or other threats may record and reset your account settings or change your default homepage to a different one, which sometimes cannot be changed back. Also, it can also add new desktop items or toolbars to Internet Explorer without letting you know.

How to remove Win32.Injector.CCQ manually?
How to remove Win32.Injector.CCQ from your computer?
What is Win32.Injector.CCQ?

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